“The ritual of pooja is an expression of love for the Divine, for Mother Nature.
Pooja creates positive energy in the world.”
— Sri Sakthi Amma

At Sri Narayani Peedam and Sripuram, many types of poojas (rituals) are conducted throughout the day. These are open to locals, pilgrims, and visitors from all over the world.
Reawakening ancient Vedic rituals is another facet of Amma’s work. The ultimate purpose of pooja is to facilitate connection with the soul through offerings of love. Offerings of love bring peace and joy, opening people’s hearts to follow the dharmic path. On a larger scale, the prayers and rituals conducted by Sri Sakthi Amma are for universal peace and well-being.
For those who already have their own devotional path, beholding these rituals may encourage and inspire them to go deeper within their personal faith and practice.
Abhishekam is an ancient purification ritual practised in temples across India. The beautiful and elaborate process of abhishekam is accompanied by Vedic chanting.
Offerings such as water, coconut water, milk, curd, honey, fruits, sandalwood powder, turmeric, sacred ash, rice and thulasi (sacred basil) are used in the ritual bathing of the deity. It is an offering of love and pure devotion, symbolic of cleansing one’s inner self with positive thoughts.
Alankaram is the adorning of the deity, where she is lovingly dressed and decorated. This is symbolic of beautifying one’s self with positive thoughts.
Aarthi is an ancient practice of offering lamps to a deity. Symbolically, the flame is infused with the Divine’s love, blessings, and energy. The light signifies the dispelling of darkness and ignorance in a person’s life and the universe, bringing wisdom, hope, and illumination.
Yagam (yagna or homam) is an ancient sacred fire ritual, where auspicious items such as ghee (clarified butter) are offered into the sacred agni (fire) and to the devas (celestial beings). This is accompanied by Vedic chants. Depending on the type of yagam, items offered may vary, with each item holding specific symbolism. The purpose of this ritual is for loka kalyan (the benefit of mankind).
Gho Pooja
Gho Pooja (ritual honoring the cow) is conducted daily at Sri Narayani Peedam. In Hinduism, Kamadhenu or Gho Mata (Divine Mother Cow) is revered as sacred. The cow serves humanity unconditionally all its life. Because of this, the cow is referred to as ‘Universal Mother.’ Her essential qualities are her purity and her generous giving nature, providing and sustaining equally her own calves, and human life. It is believed that within the actual body of Gho Mata, all the forms of the gods reside.
Gaja Puja
Gaja Puja takes place every morning. The Siddhas (sages) tell us that the elephant is a deeply spiritual animal that helps absorb negativity, bringing calm, peace, and happiness to all people. This is partly attributed to their ability to hold good prana (life force). In Vedic scriptures, the Elephant God Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and presides over all beginnings and successes, a symbol of respect, honor, magnanimity, stability, and power.
Thulasi Pooja
Thulasi Pooja exalts the vital energy of plant life, specifically of the Thulasi (holy basil) plant, which is considered the herbal manifestation of the Goddess Lakshmi. Plantlife is another natural element, without which, life as we know it, would cease to be. Through pooja and the offering of prayer, these two fundamental energies of sun and plant life are celebrated and revered.
Surya Pooja
Surya Pooja (sun worship ritual) has been carried out since ancient times, in accordance with the knowledge that without the sun, life would cease to exist. The Sun God was believed to be the prana datta (life-giver) of the entire universe and considered the only visible god that one could pray to. The Vedas regard Surya as the witness of all actions, and the Surya Pooja enshrines this.
Putthu Puja
Putthu Pooja is performed daily at Sri Narayani Peedam. Since ancient times, the putthu is identified with the village goddess and is considered to be her manifestation in the form of nature. At Sri Narayani Peedam, the putthu is revered and adorned in the dress of the Goddess. Every day, a constant stream of people come to offer their prayers, aarthi, and offerings of beauty and love.
Poornima Pooja: Celebrating the Full Moon
Full Moon Pooja in the lunar calendar is known as purnima pooja. The moon has been worshipped since ancient times and performing pooja on a full moon day can ensure that people attain peace of mind and calmness. After a full moon yagam (fire ritual), Sri Sakthi Amma gives a discourse, followed by the sprinkling of theertham (holy water) on all present. It is a very special and auspicious day when the moon’s rays have the special features of giving peace and calmness to our hearts and soul. It is easier to connect with our soul and the universe on this special day. This can charge and energize us with positive energies. In Narayani Peedam, and many other places, special full moon yagams and poojas are performed. These are powerful prayers to usher in all prosperity and blessings into our lives. It is nourishing to soak in the rays of the Full Moon. There are traditions where families bring out their dinner and eat together in open space under the rays of the full moon! It’s a celebration!
New Moon Pooja: Ammavasai
New Moon is the darkest day of the moon phase. New Moon is a day to release all negativities and to set new goals. Many people start new things, new projects on a New moon day for it to grow like the waxing moon. It represents new beginnings as we release the old and start afresh. In Narayani Peedam and in many other places, Chandi Yagam is performed on New Moon day, as Chandi, another form of Kali, clears all negativities, negative energies, blockages, and bestows good blessings upon us.
“All the spiritual things you do like ‘poojas’, ‘bhajans’ and ‘dharma’ will create good vibrations. These vibrations can change the people around you, even if they are not aware of these things and even if they don’t want to change.”
— Sri Sakthi Amma