Travel to India.

A guide on how to travel to Narayani Peedam

The nearest airport is Chennai International on the southeast coast of India.

​The Taxi drive from Chennai to Malaikodi takes approximately 2.5 hours and costs approximately 3000 Indian rupees, approximately $46.00 US. Click here to get the latest exchange rate

Taxi transfers from the airport can be arranged in advance by contacting:


PRO & Kamalanivas in charge


+91 9942993021; +91 9994404154

Rail or Bus – A cheaper option is the take the train or bus to Katpadi Railway Station in Vellore. From there you can connect with a bus or auto-rickshaw to complete the 15 minute journey to Peedam in nearby Malaikodi.


The Peedam guest-house, Kamala Nivas, offers 52 rooms with A/C, ensuite bathrooms, filtered water, and three delicious vegetarian meals a day. Internet and phone service are available. Please bring your own towels and toiletries.

Standard Room (Small) 1,500/-Indian Rupees per night

Deluxe Room (Large) 2,000/Indian Rupees per night

Extra Bed 500/Indian Rupees per night

Also, the new guest house has a series of units for a longer stay and budget options:

A & B block (with A/C) 900 Inrs per night, food not included (200 Inrs extra for three meals)

C block (without A/C) 700 Inrs per night, food not included (200 Inrs extra for three meals)

All the above rates may vary (current as of 2020)  three meals a day –> Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

Volunteer Holiday:

There are many opportunities to volunteer at the Narayani Peedam. Depending on your skills here are some of the things you could do: work in the Hospital; teach English at the School; care for toddlers at the Nursery; plant trees with the Green Shakthi Program; look after animals at the Cow and Dog Shelters; offer food to people, cleaning and decorating in the Temples; music programs, recycling, care for the plants and many more wonderful activities. The volunteering is all planned once you arrived and cannot be pre-booked. Please check out our Volunteer page to learn about more opportunities!


Visit Us

Sri Narayani Peedam

Vellore, Tamil Nadu 632055


+91 9994404154


“The three most important guidelines everyone should follow are:

  • Say prayers everyday

  • Do good deeds always

  • Never cause pain, difficulty or trouble for others.”

— Sri Sakthi Amma