The Blessed Sahasra Nama Mala Opportunity!

Sahasra Nama Mala

Lalitha Sahasranamam is one of the most powerful Devi Mantras which was given by Lord Maha Vishnu to Sage Agasthya.

Goddess Lalitha is another form of Goddess Narayani. Sahasranamam means thousand names. Just as how every human has different names, similarly divine also has a thousand different names. But all these names are divinely characters. Every name represents one Divine character.

When we chant these mantras, it will help us to raise that particular divine consciousness within us. That's why for thousands of years millions and millions of devotees practised this Lalitha Sahasranamam manta to increase divine consciousness within themselves. In that way our beloved Sri Sakthi Amma blessed us and this world to have an opportunity to perform Lalitha Sahasranamam Yagam for thousand days. This is the first time in the history of the world that such a Yagam is taking place. Such an event doesn't happen because of human intentions, it has happened because of Divine intension. Without Divine Grace, we can't do such Poojas or Yagam even for one day.

But this world has been blessed with a great opportunity to do the Yagam for Divine Mother Sri Narayani for a thousand days. This means it is purely because of Divine Grace and blessings. To chant the Divine name even once in this lifetime, for that itself we need Divine Grace and Karma. Doing this Yagam for a thousand days is not possible without Divine Grace. It is such a great blessing for all the devotees who all had an opportunity to participate in this Yagam in many ways. July Ist, 2024 will be the thousandth day of the Lalitha Sahasranamam Sahasradina Yagam.

As a remembrance of this great blessing in our lifetime our Beloved Sri Sakthi Amma would like to offer:

Sahasra-nama-mala (Golden Garland with thousand coins)

One side of this gold coin will have Goddess Mahalakshmi Beeja Mantra - SREEM.

Another side of the coin will have the name of the devotee who is expressing their love in sponsoring the gold coin. This offering is to express our love and gratitude for the Divine who gave the opportunity and blessings to witness such a Yagam in this lifetime.

It's a rare and great opportunity for us to have our physical name in the gold coin at the divine feet of Goddess Mahalakshmi in the form of a Golden Garland. It will remain at the Divine feet for thousands of years. So, the devotees who would like to participate in this rare and divine opportunity can contact and reserve their names.

Note: Every family member can utilize this opportunity to have their names individually.